No complex reasons are needed to meet your needs

You don't even know yourself!

I often tell my students, we don't understand ourselves.

I feel that when I get to know the existence of my spokesperson, who gives reasons to my feelings, I can get along with myself.

As I post, I often introspect to express my feelings.

However, I am surprised that this is introspecting to prepare the spokesperson conference materials.

It means that you have given a reason for your desire as an instinct.

My current worries are that whatever I want to do, I find myself outfitted to find a social meaning, and it doesn't work.

I don't want myself or others to think that I am doing what I want to do for my benefit.

My spokesperson said,

  1. I want to be good at English, not very good at it, and want to help someone.
  2. I want to help someone with my computer knowledge.
  3. I am assigned to work alone to support my family.
  4. For my health, I am trying to do logical cooking.
  5. Try to exercise to get good sleep, etc.

Probably simple inside me,

  1. I just want to use English.
  2. I just like computers.
  3. I just want to be one.
  4. I just want to use cooking utensils.
  5. I just want to run and feel good.

It seems that they justify such a desire.

The spokesperson gives us a variety of reasons, but internally, unfortunately, I don't want to help anyone at all, just to fulfill my desires.

There are times when you have a hard time reasoning for the spokesperson to make it, and you can't respond to your inner desires well, but maybe your original desire is a simple thing you just want to do, so think about complicated reasons. I thought it would be nice to have fun without it.

Today's theme is from The Elephant in the Brain, Chapter 6, Counterfeit Reasons.




Improve your sensitivity to numbers

If not done, no plan can be made (PDCA to DCAP)

Make your goals concrete