What I can and cannot do to reduce the time discount rate
It is essential to keep a lifelog to stay the time discount rate low.
But logging is very cumbersome.
How to automate this is the key to keeping the lifelog.
Here's what I'm doing to keep track of lifelogs and to speed up time-consuming tasks.
What can be automated
・Sleep time management
Smartwatch (GARMIN vivosport Slate) + App (GARMIN Connect)
・Exercise management
Smartwatch (GARMIN vivosport Slate) + App (GARMIN Connect)
・Dollar-cost averaging method
Withdrawal from Rakuten account and Rakuten card
Semi-automatic things (with some will)
・Body composition management
Body composition meter (TANITA BC-764) + App(GARMIN Connect, Weight only)
・Time log
Google map timeline + A3 paper
・Household management
Windows software
Something not done
・Meal management
・Automation of self-cooking
・Automation of cleaning
・Introduction of dishwasher
Improving (deadline is within the year)
・Meal management
Start with a simple thing.
Take a screenshot of what you eat and automatically reflect it on the timeline of Google Maps.
・Body composition meter
Automate recording by changing from TANITA to InBody Dial
・Household management
I want to change from a Windows application to the cloud, but cash recording is manual so that it may be less effective.
・Automation of self-cooking
I want to buy a "Hot Cook" by the end of the year, and if possible, introduce a water oven and a home bakery.
Improving (The deadline is undecided)
・Automation of cleaning
I need my family help, but I don't think "Roomba" can work for now because the room is messy.
・Introduction of dishwasher
It isn't easy, so consider it together with moving next year.
No matter what your app for managing your money, you can reduce the hassle of recording by reducing cash payments and paying with credit cards.
But, while time logs can automate GPS-based activity recording, it isn't easy to fully automate the recording of work at that location.
What I'm doing is taking a screenshot of that work along with a paper record, and it's shown on the Google Maps timeline, so I can guess at a glance what I was doing when I looked back later. Therefore, it is especially recommended.
I want to check sleep records, exercise records, meal diaries, household accounts, and time logs to see if they are optimal for the medium to long term with a low time discount rate.