I thought silence was a virtue (an old Japanese way of thinking)

By not speaking, I was running away, both myself and my family.
When I tried to tell the truth, the family was hurt.

Only recently have I come to claim my thoughts.
I rarely talked at home.
I thought my family would understand my ideas without talking.

But it was an illusion.

My job is the same, and I am not evaluated because I do not claim results.
I thought my boss understood the results of my work.

But it was an illusion.

I wouldn't want to say it is possible because it would be responsible.
I wanted to blame others when I failed.

But not now.

I argued and took responsibility.
And the job went well with this.

But it didn't work with my family.

I talked a little too much about it.
But I think my family understood my feelings.

If you do not insist, you will not be understood.
I knew that, but I couldn't do it.

If I could do this, my family could have done well.



Improve your sensitivity to numbers

If not done, no plan can be made (PDCA to DCAP)

Make your goals concrete