From now on, we will make a mechanism to earn money in five years, ten years

I inevitably lose the perspective of the customer.
That's because I don't work directly with the customer.
First of all, we have to start here.

I talked about doing high value-added work yesterday, but I felt it was a bit wrong in the first place.

Depending on the department of the company, I don't see the customer's face directly.

In my case as well, I rarely work while paying attention to the number of customers and the unit price per customer.

First of all, you have to think from here.
It's hard to understand if it's my job, so when I think about it from a blog that started two months ago, there are only about 300-page views per day.
There are only 20-page views per day in English blogs.
For YouTube, there is only one subscriber, and the average number of viewings per day is four times.

I am still practicing now, so I do not mind at all, but in the end, it will take five or ten years, so from Taleb's "Mediocristan" to "Extremistan," I have to think about it.

Right now, the content is only conscious of being able to continue, and I am only writing content conveniently for me. Still, eventually, I have to expand to content that will benefit the reader.

For the time being, it has become a habit to post every day, so I will gradually develop a perspective of what will be read and create content.

Then, think about what I want to convey and the interests of the reader.
If not, I would like to carefully evaluate whether there will be a match in the future.



Do unconscious and unconscious resonate?

If not done, no plan can be made (PDCA to DCAP)

Create an index in the brain