Where do you put your values?

I feel happier than I did a year ago.

What has changed?

First, the network of contacts has expanded a little.
And I'm showing my emotions that have been blocked.
I found it fun to write it in letters and words.

I stopped blaming myself and allowed me to accept it.
I weighed myself with the company's values, and I felt inferior to someone who could do it better, but I started to think that it was wrong.
Being aware of trying to earn even a little with my ability.
Stop worrying about my money balance.
No longer sticking to the current company.
Reduced information gathering and started offering information.
Although I spent only reflection and reaction to things, I began to act a little.
A little less afraid of failure.
I no longer feel embarrassed.
I enjoyed interacting with people.

Oh, right!

Until now, I may have thought of myself as a part of society.
I can keep myself.
I started to think so.

Values ​​like myself that is, "I am me."
What my mother has been teaching me.

I wanted to notice it a little earlier.




Do unconscious and unconscious resonate?

If not done, no plan can be made (PDCA to DCAP)

All thanks to my father and children