Try to measure the usage time of my smartphone

I used to turn off smartphone notifications other than emails, but the blog notifications I started recently kept the default values ​​and did not turn them off.
I'm happy to get likes and comments, so I left it as it is.

Twitter and Facebook have also turned off the notification, but after posting, I am worried about the reaction and start the application.
It doesn't make sense to turn off notifications.

The main usages of smartphones are voice input, reading of Kindle, TEDICT, tracking of running, etc. The other thing that seems to use for a long time is Google search, basically only active use, so I don't think it depends very much.

However, even though I am actively using it, I tend to see extra information when searching.
I can't answer how much you use your smartphone, and I'm apprehensive about it, so I'll try to measure it once.

For the time being, there are the following three actions to take immediately.

  •  Turn off notifications other than email
  •  Installing an application that measures the usage time of your smartphone
  •  Passive information that you want to read is saved once in Evernote and checked later

If you continue to do these three for a while and feel that the usage time extended, you may want to stop using Wi-Fi, intentionally use a slow SIM, or make the environment even more challenging to use.

Try to measure the usage time of my smartphone.

I don't think I use it as much as internet addiction, but I can't say it with confidence.

For the time being, I would like to visualize the usage time and grasp the current situation.




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