Do you exercise to eat?

One of the things I can boast about is low body fat.
The reason is that I run habitually.

Last year, it was about 2500 kilometers per year, and even though it was a small number, I had run about 3000 kilometers per year so far.
People often ask me why I can run so much.
Reasons for this include feeling happy and having lots of ideas, but the most underlying factor is fear of obesity.

It is obesity that was a chance to run.

About 20 years ago, I was habitually taking alcohol, so I was getting fat and tired, and my uric acid level exceeded the specified level in my health checkup, and I was shocked.
I'm still in my twenties.
At that time, I could lose weight just by exercising, so I decided to make a habit of running without thinking about reducing food or stopping alcohol.

I can't remember much now, but I remember that the results started to appear after three months.
I was impressed by this successful experience, and I began to think biasedly that I could drink and eat as long as I was running.

One day, my legs strained, and I couldn't run for a while.
Probably for about two months, I got fat because I took enough food and alcohol without exercising.
I don't remember how many kilos I've got fat, but since this time, I've been a little more careful about eating.

It's essential to keep exercising continuously, but many people think it's okay if they only exercise.
I don't think I'm eating a healthy diet, but I've become aware of excessive fructose intake, and I've also noticed the importance of dietary fiber.
Partly because of my age, I've eaten less.

Exercise and diet balance.

It's essential, so I would like to keep it in mind.




Do unconscious and unconscious resonate?

If not done, no plan can be made (PDCA to DCAP)

All thanks to my father and children